“We understand the collateral consequences of an administrative proceeding.”
In lieu of or as a consequence of a criminal investigation, individuals and corporations can find themselves faced with administrative and/or regulatory proceedings. These proceedings can parallel criminal investigations or follow at the conclusion of a criminal matter. As part of our holistic approach to representing our clients, we strategically prepare for all possible consequences arising out of a criminal investigation. Our highly skilled attorneys have represented clients in administrative hearings where employment and licensing issues are of primary concern, as well as in regulatory investigations conducted by the SEC and FINRA.
We also have represented individuals in Title IX proceedings. Sexual assault allegations, occurring both on and off campus, regularly trigger Title IX enforcement procedures against an accused college student and faculty members. Policies and procedures among institutions of higher
education widely differ. We work to best represent every individual client faced with having to defend him or herself in a Title IX proceeding, with special sensitivity and attention paid to any possible parallel criminal investigation and civil litigation, to ensure that each client receives due process and a fair hearing in the university setting and effective representation in any parallel proceeding.